Florida Shuffleboard Association

Southwest Coast District

Meeting Minutes – Bradenton Clubhouse

Saturday, November 2, 2019 at 1:00 pm


BOD:  Steve Slaughterbeck, Brad Thomas, Bob Comford, Kay Lynn Duncan, Margaret Hartzler, Nancy Scalfani, John Brown, Dolores Brown.  Club Presidents – Bradenton, Bradenton Tropical Palms, Ellenton Gardens, Golf Lakes, Mt. Vernon, Paradise Bay, Piney Point, Ridgewood, Tidevue Estates, Trailer Estates, Tropic Isles, TriPar, Woodpark, Spanish Lakes



President: Shuffle attendance is down; suggested developing plan to involve more district club members to Dist. Tourneys.  Dave Kudro and Terri Smith got new shufflers from Woodpark; and commended Dave Kudro for reaching out to seek corporate sponsorships.

Secretary:  Minutes read from March 2, 2019 meeting.  Dave Kudro reported the $5,000 for lawsuit expenses is erroneous reporting and inaccurate figure.  So noted.  Motion to accept minutes by Cindy S. and seconded by Nancy Scalfani.  Motion carried.

Treasurer:  Current balance in all our bank accounts and including two CDs is $16,517.78.

1st, VP: vacant – President received a resignation from Kathy Laver.

2nd VP: Brad Thomas – No Report

3rd VP. Bob Comford – No Report

KORNancy Scalfani – No Report

State Delegate

John Brown attended FSA 10/11/19 meeting.  John Brown and Larry Brown selected as inductees for 2020 Hall of Fame Special Award.  FSA Election Nominating Committee are looking for people to serve; our District members can provide candidate recommendations to Dave Kudro, John Brown, or Steve Slaughterbeck.  Reported FSA BOD changes, the 3rd V.P. of FSA resigned and was replace with Colleen Austin, and FSA Treasurer Jeannie Andrews resigned, and Joyce Smith was sworn in as replacement effective immediately.  John is pleased to have two new clubs in SWCD.  He will schedule a Shuffleboard University (school) in January 2020 on a Saturday, no date set yet, and will need volunteer teachers.

Tournament Director (TD)

Dolores Brown reported she and Jo Miller will serve alternately on BOD.  Pat Batdorff resigned as TD.  Terri Smith will become certified as a TD before yearend.  There are two new people currently in training and serving as assistants.  No further TD needed at this time.


  1. Annual Board Elections-tabled from March 2019 meeting  

The current Board of Directors agreed to continue serving in their respective positions.  Steve Slaughterbeck nominated Mike Collins of Bradenton Tropical Palms to fill the vacant 1st Vice President position, seconded by John Brown.  Mike accepted nomination.  BOD voted unanimously to accept the nomination.  The term of officers is from current date until Annual District Meeting held in March 2020.

The Southwest Coast District Slate of Candidates for Board of Directors 2019-2020 is as follows:

President, Steve Slaughterbeck                                  Secretary, Kay Lynn Duncan

1st Vice President, Mike Collins            `                       Treasurer, Margaret Hartzler

2nd Vice President, Brad Thomas                                 Keeper of Records, Nancy Scalfani

3rd Vice President, Bob Comford                                  State Delegate, John Brown

Alternate State Delegate, Nancy Scalfani

Cindy Slaughterbeck made a motion to accept the slate of officers, seconded by Jerry Stannard.

Vote carried by District Clubs unanimously.

  1. Vote on Amendments to District Operating Rules- Tabled from 3/2/19 Meeting

Kay Lynn presented proposed changes to the SWC District Operating Rules dated 2017 and affect Rules 8(D)8(D)(1), 8(E), and 8(G), and clarification identified for rule 8(D)(3).  Background given and amendment language incorporates changes made by motions at previous SWCD board meetings in 2017, 2018, and 2019.  The only rule open for discussion and to change language at this meeting was 8(E).

Amendments for Rules 8(D)8(D)(1), 8(E), and 8(G) approved as follows with the new language:

8(D) Amateurs will play doubles and will play 16 frame games.  Our District Amateur Tournaments include State Amateurs (which may play up in the Pro Division or down in the Amateur Division).  All District Amateur Tournaments become DRAW TOURNAMENTS when the Pro schedule dictates a draw.   A District Amateur Tournament that requires a partner may be ANY doubles.  If there are not enough players to fill 8 teams, then the Tournament Director may use a “Singles Format” OR A MINGLE/MINGLE GAME FORMAT for that tournament.

VOTE:  Cindy Slaughterbeck made motion to approve 8(D) language, Lois Wegner 2nd.  Motion Carried.

8(D)(1)  “State Amateur” players who play in District Amateur Tournaments WILL EARN MASTER POINTS AND WILL not accumulate move-up points.  District Amateur players who play in District Tournaments will accumulate ‘move up’ points.

VOTE:  John Brown made motion to approve 8(D)(1) language, Steve Slaughterbeck 2nd.  Motion Carried.

8(D)(3)  District Amateur players do not earn ‘district master points’ unless the tournament is ‘labeled’ by a letter/number, such as A-1, A-2 etc. on the annual SWCD schedule (this clarity is for NO 2 PROS and PRO & 1 District Am tournaments).

No change in language for rule 8(D)(3).    Identified in Minutes only for clarification that “All District schedules will be labeled with letter/number format to align with this Rule.”

8(E)  A minimum of eight (8) teams in an Amateur Tournament for move up points to be awarded.  Amateur tournaments consisting of eight (8) to eleven (11) teams, the points will be cut in half resulting in players in the Main will get only 1/2 point; and consolation will get 1/4 point.  Amateur Master Points will be awarded.

VOTE: Kay Lynn Duncan made motion to approve 8(E) language, Cindy Slaughterbeck 2nd., Motion Carried.

8(G)  Draw Tournaments:  If odd man and odd woman registers to play, they can play together in either tournament based on discretion of tournament director with the approval of the two players.  If only 1 odd player, the last to register from the Host Club must relinquish play.  If there is no player registered from host club, then last player to register cannot play unless we have a volunteer.

VOTE: Cindy Slaughterbeck made motion to approve 8(G) language, Margaret Hartzler 2nd, Motion Carried.

  1. Update on FSA 2020 Hall of Fame Banquet – Committee

Specifics: Date: Monday, Jan. 13, 2020; Banquet Venue: Trailer Estates; Cater: Der Dutchman

Tournament: P16 on January 13-15,2020, Singles held at Bradenton Shuffle Club

Hotel: Best Western Gateway, 2215 Cortez Rd W. Bradenton, 941-238-0800

Rate: $99.00 + tax, Jan. 12-14, 2020. Blk of Rooms held.  Must book by 12/10/19

Kay Lynn gave an update, the tickets are ready for sale ($35 each) by Ron and Pam Nurnberger, Cindy Slaughterbeck, Kay Lynn Duncan, Jerry Stannard, Ed Leonard and District Presidents.  District members encouraged to attend.  Buffet Meal and BYOB.  Plan to stop tournament play by 3 pm on Monday.  Brad Thomas graciously volunteered to pick-up and close Bradenton Courts on Monday.





  1. Form a committee for Masters Tournament 2020.  This was not completed at this meeting.
  1. Request to put “Lesson Book for Intermediate Shufflers” by Tropic Isles Shuffler Anne Lounsbury on SWCD Website.  Kay Lynn Duncan showed finished copy of this 2019 Shuffleboard Lesson book.  It can be made available for sale (price TBD) and would like it on SWCD website for all to benefit.  Motion made by Kay Lynn to put on SWCD Website, motion seconded by Rob Yustis.  Motion Carried.
  1. Discussed possible special shuffle event planned for our District especially geared for members that do not shuffle in tournaments.  Cindy S. suggests our District arrange for a fun shuffleboard tourney get together.  Nothing concrete, but good thoughts were exchanged.  Several other ideas were talked about to entice new shufflers to engage in district tournaments.
  1. Possibility of reducing quorum size- No discussion.  Quorum for District is set by FSA Bylaws under Section III (N) Quorum and is set at 25 percent of the voting membership.
  1. Possibly changing role of only one (1) VP from each club to allowing two (2).  No action. Just open for thought.
  1. 10-day Notices due to FSA on January 3, 2020.  President Steve announced 10-Day Notice Request form information is on FSA website.  Our District members should send suggested changes to FSA Rules/Bylaws to SWCD President Slaughterbeck ASAP.  These requests will be acted upon at the January 13, 2020 FSA Board Meeting.

Deviation from Agenda:

Motion made by Treasurer Hartzler to immediately add President Slaughterbeck on our Bank Accounts and remove Jerry Stannard.  Motion seconded and carried.

Brad Thomas announced PREVIEWS are for sale.

  1. Bradenton Tropical Palms Club President Don Trottier asked the District to allow 3 tournaments previously hosted by their Club in 2018 be returned to them as Host Club for the 2020-21 season. Bradenton, Golf Lakes, and Palmetto Clubs picked up their Tournaments as Host Club.  Bradenton wants to keep tournament; and other two clubs will check with their Board and report back but both those Club Presidents favorable on giving back.
  1. Suggestion made to increase font size for SWCD tournament results on page 33 in PREVIEW by President Steve S.  Font Size is too small to be legible and information will not fit on one page if font made larger.  Cindy Slaughterbeck made a motion to pay for another page in the PREVIEW and make tournament results legible in a larger font.  Motion seconded by John Brown and carried.  President Steve to contact Preview Editor and request extra page and font enlargement changes.
  1. Discuss next year’s schedule by Host Clubs for State & District Tournaments

All Club Presidents were asked to give their proposed schedule for the tournaments they want to host for the 20-21 season to SWCD President by DECEMBER 1, 2019; and District schedule due to FSA on December 7, 2019.

  1. Enhancements made at Bradenton Shuffle Courts – Ron Nurnberger

Lots of good improvements made at Bradenton courts as noticed.  Mike Marquis returned to the Bradenton Club Board of Directors.  Announced at two tournaments, The Bradenton Shuffle Club will hold a Memorial for Joyce Marquis honoring her contributions to our District at 8:30 am prior to the P-8 FSA State Tournament on 11/18/19; and again at the D-15 Tournament on 1/30/20 with similar format.  A collection will be taken for donations.



OTHER Item 1:

Nancy Scalfani reported standing rules must list all St. Ams and Pros in PREVIEW for 10 years.  Glen Monroe has asked KOR to weed out non-playing names from list.  Nancy has completed the task as much as she can and included only those names playing within the last 3 years.  She would like a change in our Rules.  Cindy Slaughterbeck made a motion to change the District Rules from 10 years to 5 years to retain names on list.  Seconded by Terri Smith.  Motion Carried.

Amended Language for Rule 4 in Operating Rules shall read:

  1. Listing Winners in PREVIEW

List all State Amateurs and Pros in the PREVIEW for ten FIVE years after the last point won.

OTHER Item 2:

Jo Miller suggested for next year’s schedule or sooner if possible, to change the Amateur Tournaments Day of Week to begin on Thursday instead of Friday.  There are plenty of vacant courts on Thursdays and Fridays to hold the Amateur Tournaments.  This would free up Saturday for both players, court workers, and Tournament Directors.  Lots of discussion followed on this request by both Pro and Amateur players.  It was not deemed possible to make a change of this magnitude by Jan. 1, 2020.  Cindy S. recommended following District protocol and take item back to Clubs for their members input and put on District January 2020 agenda.  More discussion by FSA President and others.  Kay Lynn made a motion to take this item back to District Clubs for discussion.  Motion seconded.  Vote taken:  Vote was 10 yays and 5 nays.  Motion postponed due to lack of agreement on quorum vote as several members had left meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 3:37 pm.

Respectively Submitted:

Dated:  November 3, 2019

Kay Lynn Duncan

Recording Secretary for SWCD