Minutes  November 4, 2017

Approved January 6, 2018

Meeting called to order by Pres. Jerry Stannard at 1:06 P M: 22 in attendance including 8 voting club members and 8 Board members.

John Brown gave the invocation, followed by the pledge. Margaret Hartzler Treas. Reported a deficit for 2016-17 of$272.48 and a balance of $16773.26  Nancy Sclafani offered to audit the account.
1st VP Steve Slaughterbeck reported on shortening Masters to 3 days 2nd VP Kathy Laver had no report.

  • 3rd VP Brad Thomas reported previews were available for $1 and club presidents get one free.
  • KOR N. Sclafani reported that all lifetime points have been corrected and will be updated after each tournament.
  • State Del J. Brown reported that new State Delegates were installed and Historian Committee working on placing info at welcome centers.
  • Tournament Director Dolores Brown asked that names and fsa numbers be clear and correct and that there is a need for more tournament directors. M. Hartzler thanked the pushers at Palmetto.
  • Pres. Stannard reported that attendance is down especially at Am. Tourneys.
  • OLD BUSINESS: Moveup points:  Pres. Stannard spoke of people moving up to quickly due to smaller participation, should look at reduced points for smaller tournaments. State rule of 5 points in 3 yrs can’t be changed.  J Brown, N. Sclafani, and J. Marquis volunteered to investigate.  State Pres. Reported web page is not up to date  and clubs need to update addresses, etc.
  • NEW BUSINESS: Tournament D19 requiring one district am discussed. Motion made and passed to give no points of any kind.  Motion passed.  Motion made to keep D17  the same as is by J. Marquis, seconded by M. Hartzler.  Motion passed.  Pres. Stannard stated the 3 ways of making the Hall of Fame: 1. Earn 200 points in “Pro” tournaments, 2. Be President of Dist. For 3 yrs, and be a longtime contributor to the district.